Saturday, October 07, 2006

I don't get it

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Okay... Im watching The Girls Next Door on E. The reality show about Hef and his 3 blonde ladies.
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The 'girls' are throwing a baby shower for an ex-playmate, and are all getting emotional. Hef's main girl Holly...
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...desperately wants to have children with the 80 yr old Hef. Um, what? The most liberal side of me can understand why people would do certain things they do... He's Hef, it's Playboy, it's a rich and luxurious life in a mansion located in LA... I get it. But kids. I don't know. They do make a nice looking couple though.
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Quoting the great Jimmy Dworski... "A toast on that the Cubs may win the World Series..., and big tits."

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